GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed),
Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject. New Reflections on James Woodward’s Contribution
Walter de Gruyter, Boston/Berlín, 2018.
“New Contributions to Psychology as a Special Science: Causality and Psychological Subject,” Wencelao J. Gonzalez.
Part I: Causal Reasoning in the Context of Normative and Descriptive Psychology
“Configuration of Causality and Philosophy of Psychology: An Analysis of Causality as Intervention and its Repercussion for Psychology,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
“Normative Theory and Descriptive Psychology in Understanding Causal Reasoning: The Role of Interventions and Invariance,” James Woodward.
Part II: Causal Cognition and Psychological Explanations: Structural and Dynamic Aspects
“Causal Cognition: Physical Connections, Proportionally, and the Role of Normative Theory,” James Woodward.
“Psychobiological Explanations in Decision-Making and Neuroeconomics,” José María Martínez Selva.
“Dynamic Level Interaction Hypotheses –A New Perspective on Consciousness,” Michal Wierzchoń.
Part III: Scientific Status of Psychology and the Psychological Subject
“Naturalization of Psychology and its Future as a Science,” Manuel Antonio García Sedeño.
“The Emotional Subject in Philosophy of Psychology: The Cases of Anxiety and Angst,” Francisco Rodríguez Valls.
Part IV: From Psychology to Psychiatry: Limits of Computational Psychology and the Role of Causes as Interventions in Psychiatry
“The Limits of Computational Psychology in J. Fodor,” Pedro Chacón.
“The Interventionist Theory and Mental Disorders,” Raffaella Campaner.
Index of Names
Subject Index
ISBN: 978-3-11-057605-4
Página web: www.degruyter.com