GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed),
Methodological Prospects to Scientific Research: From Pragmatism to Pluralism
Springer, Cham, 2020.
“Pragmatism and Pluralism as Methodological Alternatives to Monism, Reductionism and Universalism,” Wencelao J. Gonzalez.
Part I: A New Framework for Methodological Prospects to Scientific Research
“Levels of Reality, Complexity, and Approaches to Scientific Method,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
“Multiscale Modeling: Explanation and Emergency,” Robert W. Batterman.
Part II: Pragmatist Approaches to Methodology of Science
“Methodological Pragmatism,” Nicholas Rescher.
“Methodological Incidence of the Realms of Reality: Prediction and Complexity,” Amanda Guillán.
Part III: Contextual Factors for Methodology of Science
“Information and Pluralism: Consequences for Scientific Representation and Methods,” Giovanni Camardi.
“The Methodology of Theories in Context: The Case of Economic Clustering,” Catherine Greene and Max Steuer.
Part IV: Methodological Pluralism in Natural Sciences and Sciences of the Artificial
“Plurality of Explanatory Strategies in Biology: Mechanisms and Networks,” Alvaro Moreno and Javier Suárez.
“Scientific Prediction and Prescription in Plant Genetic improvement as an Applied Science of Design: The Natural and the Artificial,” Pedro Martínez Gómez.
Part V: Methodological Pluralism in Social Sciences and Ethical Values
“Challenges to Validity from the Standpoint of Methodological Pluralism: The Case of Survey Research in Economics,” María Caamaño.
“The “Economic Method” and its Ethical Component: Pluralism, Objectivity and Values in Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach,” Alessandra Cenci.
Index of Names
Subject Index
ISBN: 978-3-030-52499-9 (impreso)
ISBN: 978-3-030-52500-2 (electrónico)
Página web: www.springer.com