Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science (Universidad de A Coruña)
Full Member the International Academy for Philosophy of Sciences/Academician of the
Académie International de Philosophie des Sciences
Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science (University of Pittsburgh)
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez is Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science (University of A Coruña). He is a Full Member of the International Academy for Philosophy of Sciences/ Académie International de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS). He has been a Team Leader of the European Science Foundation program entitled “The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective” (2008-2013). Gonzalez has been a member of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) of Spain. He is the Director of the Research Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology (CIFCYT) at the University of A Coruña since its creation in 2017. This center organizes an annual conference on “Contemporary Philosophy and Methodology of Science.” He is also the President of the Philosophy of Science and Technology Foundation.
Gonzalez has been Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (USA), and Visiting Scholar of its Department of Philosophy. He has also been for many years a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics and its Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences. He has also carried out research work at the Universities of St. Andrews (Scotland) and Münster (Germany). He received the Research Award in Humanities given in 1995 by the Autonomous Community of Galicia (Spain). In 2009 he was named a Distinguished Researcher by the Main National University of San Marcos in Lima (Peru).
He has been invited to give lectures at the Universities of Pittsburgh, Stanford, Quebec at Montreal, Helsinki, and Nevada at Reno, as well as the Czech Academy of Sciences. Gonzalez has participated in conferences organized by the Universities of Uppsala (Sweden), New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), Bologna (Italy), Canterbury (New Zealand), Tsinghua of Beijing (China), Vienna (Austria), Lund (Sweden), Harvard and Boston (USA), and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). He has been Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (2000-2002) and also President of the Doctoral Commission of the University of A Coruña (2002-2004).
His publications include monographs such as La Teoría de la Referencia: Strawson y la Filosofía Analítica (1986), La predicción científica: Concepciones filosófico-metodológicas desde H. Reichenbach a N. Rescher (2010), and Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics (2015), and the edition of 46 volumes on philosophy of science and technology. He is the coordinator of Gallaecia Series: Studies in Contemporary Philosophy and Methodology of Science and is co-editor of the European Studies in Philosophy of Science series of the prestigious Springer publishing house.
Ferrol, 2.8.2023
Volumes as editor
Wenceslao J. González
Books as editor
1. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Aspectos metodológicos de la investigación científica. Un enfoque multidisciplinar, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, 1988. (Editor of the book, author of the Introduction and two chapters).
2. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Aspectos metodológicos de la investigación científica. Un enfoque multidisciplinar, second edition, revised and enlarged (six more papers). Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, Madrid-Murcia, 1990. (Editor of the book and author of three chapters).
3. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Acción e Historia. El objeto de la Historia y la Teoría de la Acción, Publicaciones Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña, 1996. (Editor of the book, author of the Introduction and one chapter).
4. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), El Pensamiento de L. Laudan. Relaciones entre Historia de la Ciencia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Publicaciones Universidad de A Coruña, A Coruña, 1998. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
5. RESCHER, N., Razón y valores en la Era científico-tecnológica, Paidós, Barcelona, 1999. (Editor of the book and author of the Introduction).
6. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), La Filosofía de Imre Lakatos: Evaluación de sus propuestas, UNED, Madrid, 2001. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
7. AVILA, A., GONZALEZ, W. J. and MARQUES, G. (eds), Ciencia económica y Economía de la Ciencia: Reflexiones filosófico-metodológicas, FCE, Madrid, 2001. (Coeditor of the book and author of two chapters).
8. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Diversidad de la explicación científica, Ariel, Barcelona, 2002. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
9. GONZALEZ, W. J., MARQUES, G. and AVILA, A. (eds), Enfoques filosófico-metodológicos en Economía, FCE, Madrid, 2002. (Coeditor of the book and author of one chapter).
10. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Racionalidad, historicidad y predicción en Herbert A. Simon, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2003. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
11. MARQUES, G., AVILA, A. and GONZALEZ, W. J. (eds), Objetividad, realismo y retórica: Nuevas perspectivas en Metodología de la Economía, FCE, Madrid, 2003. (Coeditor of the book and author of the Presentation).
12. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Análisis de Thomas Kuhn: Las revoluciones científicas, Trotta, Madrid, 2004. (Editor of the book, author of one chapter and translator of an original text of Kuhn).
13. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Karl Popper: Revisión de su legado, Unión Editorial, Madrid, 2004. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
14. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Science, Technology and Society: A Philosophical Perspective, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2005. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
15. GONZALEZ, W. J. and ALCOLEA, J. (eds.), Contemporary Perspectives in Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2006. (Coeditor del libro y autor de dos capítulos).
16. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Las Ciencias de Diseño: Racionalidad limitada, predicción y prescripción, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2007. (Editor of the book and author of three chapters).
17. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Evolutionism: Present Approaches, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2008. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
18. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Evolucionismo: Darwin y enfoques actuales, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2009. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
19. STADLER, F., DIEKS, D., GONZALEZ, W. J., HARTMAN, S., UEBEL, TH. and WEBER, M. (eds), The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science, Springer, Dordrecht, 2010.
20. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), New Methodological Perspectives on Observation and Experimentation in Science, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2010. (Editor of the book, author of one chapter and the Preface).
21. DIEKS, D., GONZALEZ, W. J., HARTMAN, S., UEBEL, TH. and WEBER, M. (eds), Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011. (Coeditor of the book and author of one chapter).
22. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Scientific Realism and Democratic Society: The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Rodopi, Ámsterdam, 2011. (Editor of the book, author of one chapter and the Foreword).
23. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Conceptual Revolutions: From Cognitive Science to Medicine, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2011. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
24. DIEKS, D., GONZALEZ, W. J., HARTMAN, S., STÖLTZNER, M. and WEBER, M. (eds), Probabilities, Laws, and Structures, Springer, Dordrecht, 2012.
25. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Las Ciencias de la Complejidad: Vertiente dinámica de las Ciencias de Diseño y sobriedad de factores, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2012. (Editor of the book and author of three chapters).
26. ANDERSEN, H., DIEKS, D., GONZALEZ, W. J., UEBEL, TH. and WHEELER, G. (eds), New Challenges to Philosophy of Science, Springer, Dordrecht, 2013. (Coeditor of the book and author of two chapters).
27. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Creativity, Innovation, and Complexity in Science, Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2013. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
28. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Bas van Fraassen’s Approach to Representation and Models in Science, Synthese Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014. (Editor of the book and author of one chapter).
29. GALAVOTTI, M. C., DIEKS, D., GONZALEZ, W. J., HARTMAN, S., UEBEL, TH. and WEBER, M. (eds), New Directions in the Philosophy of Science, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014.
30. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), New Perspectives on Technology, Values, and Ethics: Theoretical and Practical Discussions, Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, Springer, Dordrecht, 2015. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
31. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), The Limits of Science: An Analysis from “Barriers” to “Confines”, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Brill, Ámsterdam, 2016. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
32. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Philosophy of Psychology: Causality and Psychological Subject. New Reflections on James Woodward’s Contribution, Walter de Gruyter, Boston/Berlín, 2018. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
33. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), New Approaches to Scientific Realism, De Gruyter, Boston/Berlín, 2020. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
34. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Methodological Prospects for Scientific Research: From Pragmatism to Pluralism, Synthese Library, Springer, Cham, 2020. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
35. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Language and Scientific Research, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
36. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Current Trends in Philosophy of Science. A Prospective for the Near Future, Synthese Library, Springer, Cham, 2022. (Editor of the book and author of two chapters).
37. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), The Internet and Philosophy of Science, Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Routledge, N. York/Oxford, 2023. (Editor of the book and author of three chapters).
Monographic issues of journals as editor
In all these issues of the journal, in addition to being editor, there is an original article as a contribution to the volume.
38. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Teoría de la Acción/ Action Theory. Editor of the monographic issue of Daimon. Revista de Filosofía devoted to Action Theory, v. 3, (1991).
39. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Progreso científico e innovación tecnológica. Editor of the monographic issue of Arbor, v. 157, n. 620, (1997).
40. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of Economics. Editor of the monographic issue of Theoria, v. 13, n. 32, (1998).
41. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Ciencia y valores éticos. Editor of the monographic issue of Arbor, v. 162, n. 638, (1999).
42. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Problemas filosóficos y metodológicos de la Economía en la Sociedad tecnológica actual. Editor of the monographic issue of Argumentos de Razón Técnica, v. 3, (2000).
43. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Lakatos´s Philosophy Today. Editor of the monographic issue of Theoria, v. 16, n. 42, (2001).
44. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Freedom and Determinism: Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. Editor of the monographic issue of Peruvian Journal of Epistemology, v. 1, (2012).
45. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Contemporary Society: The Role of Information, editor of the monographic issue of Minds and Machines, v. 27, n. 3, (2017).
46. GONZALEZ, W. J. (ed.), De las Ciencias Sociales a las Ciencias de lo Artificial: Nuevas perspectivas filosóficas, editor of the monographic issue of Artefactos: Revista de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, v. 9, n. 1, (2020), 2nd preiod. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14201/art202091. Available at: https://revistas.usal.es/index.php/artefactos/issue/view/art202091/showToc (accesssed at 27.4.2020).