GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed),
Scientific Realism and Democratic Society: The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Sciences and the Humanities
Rodopi, Ámsterdam, 2011.
Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
1. The Evolution of Kitcher’s Philosophy
“From Mathematics to Social Concern on Science: Kitcher’s Philosophical Approach,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
“Science in a Democratic Society,” Philip Kitcher.
“The Characterization of Epistemology in P. Kitcher. A Critical Reflection from New Empiricism,” Inmaculada Perdomo.
2. Scienific Realism in Kitcher’s Present Approach
“Kitcher’s Modest Realism: The Reconceptualization of Scientific Objectivity and of the Role of Science in Society,” Antonio Diéguez.
“Scientific Realism: The Truth in Pragmatism,” Philip Kitcher.
3. Epistemological Analysis of Kitcher’s Realism
“Real Realism: The Galilean Strategy,” Philip Kitcher.
“Inductivist Strategies for Scientific Realism,” Valeriano Iranzo.
“Scientific Realism, the Galilean Strategy, and Representation,” Mauricio Suárez.
4. Methodological Analysis of Scientific Practice
“Kitcher’s Naturalistic Epistemology and Methodology of Mathematics,” Jesús Alcolea.
“The Category of ‘Applied Science”: An Analysis of its Justification from ‘Information Science’ as Design Science,” Antonio Bereijo.
5. The Philosopher Replies
“Second Thoughts,” Philip Kitcher.
Index of Names.
Subject Index.
ISBN: 978-90-420-3449-5. E-book
ISBN: 978-94-012-0735-5
Correo electrónico: brill@turpin-distribution.com
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