GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed),
New Methodological Perspectives on Observation and Experimentation in Science
Netbiblo, A Coruña, 2010.
“General Characteristics and Origin of this Book,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
1. Variations in the Reflection on Observation and Experimentation
“Recent Approaches on Observation and Experimentation: A Philosophical-MethodologicalViewpoint,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
2. Experience and Scientific Observations
“Voice and the Facts and Observations of Experience,” Mary Morgan.
“New Forms of Scientific Observation and Their Epistemological Impact,” Amparo Gómez.
3. Empirical Support and Experiments in Science
“Observation and Experiments in Economics: Analysis of Herbert Simon’s Approach,” MaríaG. Bonome.
“The Dynamics of Experimentation and its Role within a Philosophy of Science,” JoséFerreirós.
4. Changes in the Framework on Observation and Experimentation
“Dimensions of Clinical Observation in the Origin of Scientific Medicine,” José AntonioLópez Cerezo.
“Probabilistic Causality, Observation and Experimentation,” Maria Carla Galavotti.
5. Enlarging the Philosophical Scope: Law and Ecology
“The Role of Experiments in the Theories of Distributive Justice,” Obdulia Torres.
“Experiment and Observation. Two Forms of Experience in Ecological Research,” Rafael González del Solar and Luis Marone.
Index of Names.
Subject Index.
ISBN: 978-84-9745-530-5
Página web: hdl.thandle.ne