GONZÁLEZ, W. J. (ed),
The Limits of Science: An Analysis from “Barriers” to “Confines,”
Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Brill, Ámsterdam, 2016.
“The Problem of the Limits of Science in the Present Context,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
I) Limits as Frontiers and as Confines
“Rethinking the Limits of Science: From the Difficulties Regarding the Frontiers to the Concern about the Confines,” Wenceslao J. Gonzalez.
“The Uncertain Frontier between Scientific Theories and Metaphysical Research Programmes,” Juan Arana.
“Cognitive Problems and Practical Limits: Can Computers Overcome our Limitations?,” Nicholas Rescher.
II) Two Poles of Analysis: Language and Ethics
“Language and the Limits of Science,” Ladislav Kvasz.
“Ethical Limits of Science, Especially Economics,” Gereon Wolters.
III) Epistemological Limits to Science
“Predicting and Knowability: The Problem of Future Knowledge,” Nicholas Rescher.
“The Limits of Future Knowledge: An Analysis of Nicholas Rescher’s Epistemological Approach,” Amanda Guillan.
“The Limits of Information Science,” Antonio Bereijo.
IV) The Limits from Inside and the Limits from Outside
“Rescher and Gadamer: Two Complementary Views of the Limits of Sciences,” Alfredo Marcos.
“The Obstacles to Scientific Prediction: An Analysis of the Limits of Predictability from the Ontology of Science,” Amanda Guillan.
Index of Names.
Subject Index.
ISBN: 9789004325395
Página web: www.brill.com